sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

Cajjou van't Pachthof

Hoy hemos recibido la triste noticia de que nuestra Cajjou, nuestra primera bouvier de berna, ha cruzado el arco iris. Aunque ya no vivia con nostros, Morton y Dierk cuidaron de ella como a una reina, incluso en su traslado a USA no la quisieron llevar en avión para no estresarla y decidieron irse en barco para poder estar en contacto con ella durante el viaje. La causa de su pérdida como la de muchos boyeros ha sido el cancer.

Today our first (Bernese)Love, Cajjou van't Pachthof, has passed the rainbow bridge with 8 and a half years of age. Another of these damn cancers! We are so so sad, devastated about this loss, even if she left us about 3 years ago to start a new life after beeing retired from breeding. First loves never will be forgotten..... We are so grateful to our friends Morton and Dierk who gave her this faboulus and beloved second live, this live every dog would dream about! Thanks so much! We know very good what you are going through now! Now, even more if posible, we want to encourage all breeders to try to breed for a higher longevity, however we could achieve it!

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